Our Purpose is to change your life. That’s what our office has been doing for over 17 years. If we can restore your health, how different would your life become? Can we help you, we do not know until we learn more about you. The same diagnosis for two people may need different treatments to work effectively. We do Body Work, Acupuncture, Cupping, Chinese Herbs, Weight loss and the innovative Chronic Pain Release Treatment. What we do know are two things: 1). We will not waste your time or money. If we find that your condition is something we cannot help with we will refer you to someone that can help. 2). Your health problems will continue to degenerate the longer the are left untreated. Call us today for your free consultation.
We are centrally located in University Place. Our office is centrally located to Tacoma, Gig Harbor, Lakewood, and Fircrest.
Restaurants that have revolving seasonal menus have gained in popularity in recent years. The concept of seasonal eating has deep roots. Before the advent of modern agriculture and global trade, people naturally consumed foods that were locally available during specific times of the year. But today, the convenience of supermarkets allows us to eat almost any fruit or vegetable
For those suffering from chronic pain, traditional medications only provide temporary relief and can come with side effects that leave people feeling sluggish and unwell. Electroacupuncture combines traditional acupuncture with electrical stimulation, enhancing its effectiveness for managing pain and promoting healing. By delivering gentle electrical pulses through the acupuncture needles, this modern approach stimulates nerves, muscles, and connective tissues,
As more insurance plans and more allied health practitioners begin to embrace what has traditionally been known as “alternative medicine” treatments, acupuncture has enjoyed a surge in popularity with potential patients desperate for a drug-free alternative for their overall health and wellness.
Acupuncture, an ancient practice rooted in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), has been gaining traction in modern healthcare
“hip and back pain, overweight problems, diabeties, lack of energy. 3 visits, very helpful.”
“Arthritis, 4 years, yes Advil, couldn’t walk, very good, dont have to use walking cane”
“I had shoulder to back pain for over 10 years. I was in some sort of pain almost day. Sleeplesness getting up 3 – 4 times at night. I sleep through the night now and I hardly have any pain at all now. Such a relief.”
“Fibromyalgia and acid reflux. Tremendous relief from Pain, improved energy, dramatic improvement from acid reflux.”
“Took Aspiring or pain Meds 3-8 times a week. Quit taking after 1 week of treatment.”